R&J Rewards Program

Become a member of our loyalty program to gain access to exclusive benefits every time you shop. Simply create a customer account for free and you are good to go!

Once logged in, use the R&J Rewards widget on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to manage your rewards.

How it works

Create an account

Become a member to receive rewards.

Earn points

Complete these activities to collect points.

Redeem points

Exchange points for exciting discounts!

Ways to earn points

Create an account

10 points

Follow us on Instagram & Facebook

5 points each

Complete profile

5 points

Complete an order

Earn 1 points for every 2GBP

Ways to redeem points

Sign into your account

Feature text

Click on the R&J Rewards widget

Bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

Select 'Redeem points'

Select from available discounts which to redeem.

Select 'My rewards'

Select from the redeemed codes which to apply. Code can be copied and used during check out.

Discounts currently available

GBP5 off discount

100 points

GBP10 off discount

200 points

GBP25 off discount

500 points

Referral Program active

Reward & Get Rewarded

Get rewards when your friend uses the referral link to sign up and place an order.

You will get 20 points & they will get GBP5 off coupon.